My rage is bliss

Eloi @AZ0RZER0

Age 19, Male


Kekistan, Portugal

Joined on 4/30/21

Exp Points:
7,260 / 7,510
Exp Rank:
Vote Power:
6.77 votes
Art Scouts
Global Rank:
B/P Bonus:
8m 26d

AZ0RZER0's News

Posted by AZ0RZER0 - 1 month ago

Hey, thanks for the 69 followers! Hope you're ready for what's to come in this next months: creatures, demons, dinos, goths, robots, gore, brainrot, 4chan, 9/11 animations, collabs, shitty covers and much more! Stay tuned!





Posted by AZ0RZER0 - July 26th, 2024

I was caught by surprise today with the Pickle collab release. Had real fun on this one. Go check it out (https://www.newgrounds.com/portal/view/941048).

I also decided to participate on the Summer Art Collab (https://www.newgrounds.com/bbs/topic/1535724/10#bbspost27918928_post_text).

About the Fnaf collab, I wasn't able to finish it in time as I planned something too ambitious when I had only a few days. Paused progress on the audio based animation but I'll come back soon enough.

Midsummer rumble surprised me when it changed its title to Negrounds Takedown and changed to August. So I'm looking to participate (https://razur-draws.newgrounds.com/news/post/1461504).


Posted by AZ0RZER0 - July 16th, 2024

Good evening. As I have 4 days left to finnish my submission for the FNAF collab, a«that's what I'm focusing on at this moment. It was stated that I cannot show my submission before the collab release, so you're probably only gonna see it in August. It's wont be very long as I'm not very accustomed to animating in 24 fps and there's no time to make a Return of the King-ish length animation, but I'll try to do my best. Other thing I'm experimenting is making my own audio in the sense of making my own sound effects and voice acting. Kinda funny because that's something I'm planning to do for my next projects.

About the rest, I was initially planning to publish on July 10th the audio animation, but I got busy with personal stuff, so maybe August 10th, I don't know. Himlock (or Hemlock, haven't decided yet) is in the doodle and concept art stage, so it's far from ready. As mentioned above, I expect to do the sound effects and ambient songs. A little ambitious, but hey. Maybe this FNAF entry can work as a good training for that.

I was going to post this yesterday but it was already 3 am so I gave up. I will try to maintain the 9 day period between each update as i feel like it let's me continue my progress without letting you guys in the dark for too long. That's it for now. See ya.



Posted by AZ0RZER0 - July 6th, 2024

Good evening. 2 days ago, the Bug Collab was released, a art project which was actually the first collab i joined, even before the Sonic Shorts Volume 1000. You can check it here (https://www.newgrounds.com/portal/view/937868).

Meanwhile, progress in the animation of the comedy audio by @Durinde, as I can show you here some scribbles of the characters that will be featured.


FNAF submission is also on the way.

That's it.



Posted by AZ0RZER0 - June 26th, 2024

Good morning. After the great support of the last collab, I've started the production of original animations. First one will be called Himlock (Hemlock) for which it will have this fella as the protagonist (still don't know his name, he forgot his passport).

iu_1227527_9146076.pngIt will be set in the year 2000 in the middle of a european city. There's no exact day for a release as it's still in the beginning, and to be quite honest, I suck at promising deadlines. Just like Trump once said:


While that keeps cooking, I am going to collaborate with @Durinde in the sense of animating one of his comedy audios. I've been vibing listening to his narrations, and he's very talented. Go check his stuff.

Other projects that I'll be involved are the Brainrot Scam Ad Collab (https://kingcrowned.newgrounds.com/news/post/1436498) (embrace the skib), the Nintendo DS Collab (https://dannygoodshirt.newgrounds.com/news/post/1431587), the Behemoth 20th Animation Collab (https://boiledmilkz.newgrounds.com/news/post/1448143) and the Monster Girl Collab (https://www.newgrounds.com/bbs/topic/1534244/5#bbspost27897233_post_text).

I am also planning to participate in the upcoming FNAF collab (https://www.newgrounds.com/bbs/topic/1531345#bbspost27819840_post_text) which will be released in August 8th, but it's not a guarantee. I'll give an update on that if that gets near completion.

Maybe I'll upload an illustration today. Have a good day.



Posted by AZ0RZER0 - June 16th, 2024

After what felt like an eternity, I decided to hop on some art collabs. I just did submissions for the Birb Collab (https://www.newgrounds.com/bbs/topic/1534572/3#bbspost27896624_post_text), the Ninja Collab (https://www.newgrounds.com/bbs/topic/1534888/2#bbspost27896391_post_text) and the Nintendo Wii Collab (https://www.newgrounds.com/bbs/topic/1535550/2#bbspost27895841_post_text).

I also got myself into the Monster Girls Collab (https://www.newgrounds.com/bbs/topic/1534244/5#bbspost27897233_post_text).

My animation for the Oneyplays/Sonic Shorts: Volume 1000 is almost ready. Stay tuned to that.

So yeah, that's it. Have a good night.
